Why are tenant ledgers and status reports important?

When you apply for a new property, a rental ledger and status report are the most valuable documents you can have. When you submit an application, you will be required to present your ledger to a prospective property manager/landlord to show your good rental payment record, and that you have paid all rent owed. For tenants who decide to become home owners, the rental ledger is also a valuable asset because it can count as genuine savings. With a record of consistent and on-time payment of rent, a lender will consider your rental history during its assessment of your ability to service a home loan. However, if it was paid consistently late – the opposite will be true.

Tenant Ledger explained 
Tenant Status Report eeplained 

    Request A Tenant Ledger and Status Report

    This is the fastest way to receive a tenant ledger.
    The first available person in the office will respond to this request.


    (1.) By clicking the submit button and successfully submitting an online tenant ledger request via this webpage, you have accepted and agreed to the terms and conditions of this website, webpage and this online tenant ledger request form.
    (2.) Legal Capacity - The Applicant requesting this ledger has the legal capacity request this ledger.
    (3.) I have provided true and correct information in this tenant ledger request. I understand that if the information contained in this tenant ledger request is found to be fraudulent at any time, then the agent or landlord may use this application in legal proceedings.

    On 18/05/2024

    Before you submit
    If the submit button is “Greyed out” it means the application form is missing details above.
    After you click submit
    Please wait for the confirmation page to appear, this may take up to 3 minutes depending on the size of your photo I.D. and the speed of your internet connection.

    Privacy Act Acknowledgement

    In accordance with the Privacy Principal 1.3 of the Privacy Act we require you to read this Privacy Act Acknowledgement below and then confirm this acknowledgement above.
    The personal information the that you provide in this request or collected from other sources is necessary for the Agent to verify the Applicant's identity, to process and evaluate the request for a tenant ledger.
    Personal information collected about the Applicant in this tenant ledger request and during the course of the tenancy may be disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected and to other parties including to the landlord, referees, other agents, Common Wealth or State Government offices, and third party operators of tenancy reference databases. Information already held on tenancy reference databases may also be disclosed to the Agent and or Landlord.
    If the information is not provided, the Agent may not be able to process the request for a tenant ledger.

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